Open Hours BMO | Bank of Montreal Saint-Sacrement

Opening Hours

Mon:9:00am – 3:00pm
Tue:9:00am – 3:00pm
Wed:9:00am – 3:00pm
Thur:9:00am – 6:00pm
Fri:9:00am – 3:00pm

Contact Info

Address: 1375, Chemin Sainte-Foy Quebec, QC G1S2N2
Town: Québec
Post Code: QC G1S2N2
Branch ID: 01845
Telephone: 418-688-5800
Fax: 418-688-4671

Here is where you will find the operating hours for the Saint-Sacrement branch of BMO | Bank of Montreal.

* This information was last updated in 2024.

On this page, you will find a list of both the normal operating hours as well as the contact information for the Saint-Sacrement branch only.

Important to note about this page:

  • This website is not directly affiliated with any bank. For the sake of all of those who do their banking in Canada, this website gives the most accurate information made available regarding operating hours. This means that the information might not always be accurate, especially if BMO | Bank of Montreal has recently chosen to change the hours of operation for any of its branches.
  • If you have more accurate information for any particular branch from BMO | Bank of Montreal, we are always happy to update our information to reflect it.
  • Instances like daylight savings might change the opening/closing times of a branch. Be sure to check with your bank about any plans to change normal hours during a time change.
  • This page is designated just for the Saint-Sacrement branch of BMO | Bank of Montreal and is not intended to represent all branches of the bank.
  • For more direct information about hours of operating for other branches of BMO | Bank of Montreal, click this link:
BMO | Bank of Montreal: Opening hours of all branches

Additional branches of BMO | Bank of Montreal in Québec

BMO | Bank of Montreal Le Gendre BMO | Bank of Montreal Complexe Jules-Dallaire  BMO | Bank of Montreal Charlesbourg BMO | Bank of Montreal Lebourgneuf